Dear Ministry Partners and Friends,
Sorry for being a little late with our update for the past two months. September and October were down in the number of seminars with only three, two of which were in conjunction with Forgiven Ministry One Day with
God Camps. We were able to witness twenty-one individuals pray to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. We have two seminars left to complete this year.
God has opened up some new opportunities through Holistic Hardware which is a life skills class we have been conducting at Tyger River Correctional for about two years. We will add two more facilities; one in November and another in December. We also are looking at starting the Child Evangelism Good News Club behind the walls for the children of incarcerated parents during visitation time with family members. CEF already has churches that are working in the public school Good News Club’s that they believe would run these clubs also. Pray for us that God will make it clear to us to how and if He wants to be involved in this effort. I believe the Good News Club behind the walls would be a great way to impact the families of incarcerated Moms and Dads for Christ with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We are working on a Promotional Video to make the community more aware of Blue Ridge Ministries and what we do to promote the Kingdom and reach individuals for Christ.
Pray for me as I seek God’s face as we move into 2012. We have already scheduled fourteen events for next year, plus the weekly and monthly classes we are already teaching. I am asking God to give me an Elisha to pass the mantle to one day, so Blue Ridge Ministries can continue to reach men, women and children for Christ.
My heart is very heavy for the families in our country and I need your help to reach out through the leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit as we try to make a difference – one family at a time.
We are still praying and asking you to pray for these ministry needs as God grows His ministry. We need a vehicle with more cargo space as well as some additional sound equipment. I am asking you to join us in prayer for God to raise up the churches and individuals He wants to help fund and provide these needs for His ministry. You can check us out at for ways to give and for a schedule of upcoming events.
We will begin on January 10th 2012 to move to an annual board meeting due to the busy schedules of our board members. I will be sharing with you by e-mail after the annual meeting in January some changes that will be taking place. Thanks for your prayerful support.
Board Members, Thanks for your faithful support and service.
In His Service,
Jim Williams
So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. NAS
Blue Ridge Ministries
is a 501 [c] [3] non-profit supported by your donations.
Mail to: P.O. Box 24105
Greenville, SC 29616-4105